19 January 2022

The importance of sometimes bypassing you when we create your LMS

Jonny McAlister

Jonny McAlister

Head of Sales & Marketing

It might sound a bit scary, but allowing us to temporarily stand you down from your role while we create your LMS can have a huge impact on the success of your LMS project.

Yes, learning and development, training and HR personnel have a key role to play in setting an initial scope of work and outlining what is needed from a new or upgraded LMS. But we think following a brief unquestioningly to the project’s conclusion in a glorified box-ticking exercise does you a disservice.

We want to challenge you. We want to interrogate the brief. And, yes, (with your permission) sometimes we might want to bypass you entirely to talk to the learners and administrators who will ultimately be using the LMS.

The purpose of all these things is to make sure the work we carry out will deliver the results you want to achieve; will get those results as efficiently and cost-effectively as possible; and make sure that the final technical specification for your new LMS reflects how your organisation works and how users interact with the platform.


‘Yes’ isn’t always best

Everything we’ve discussed so far doesn’t necessarily make life easier for us. In many ways, it would be simpler to nod our heads and tick off items on a list.

But time and again, our customers have told us that one of the areas in which we added most value to a project was our willingness to challenge them. To challenge the brief; challenge preconceptions; to challenge whether a particular feature is needed or whether the budget could be better spent elsewhere.


How we get to know your learners better

No matter how impartial you try to be, you will inevitably act as a filter between what users have to say and the briefing information that reaches us. There are a few different ways in which we can address that.

Focus groups, user experience workshops and A/B testing in which we expose your learners to specific situations are some examples of how we can work with you to build a better, unfiltered idea of how your learners interact with your LMS and how we can make it easier for them to do so.


Ready to be challenged?

If that sounds like the sort of approach you’d like to make your new LMS fulfil its potential (and therefore help your learners to fulfil theirs), fill out the form below for a chat about working together to create your LMS.



Request a Callback. It’s easy!

Whether it’s about upgrading your current platform, starting from scratch with an LMS of your choice or you need guidance on where to begin, we’ll be happy to help!


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