23 February 2023

5 recommended ways to boost your LMS admin

Lucy Chegwidden

Lucy Chegwidden

Implementation Consultant

Follow these top tips to instantly improve your LMS admin.

We’re continuing our series of blog posts in which our in-house e-learning experts are sharing their tips on how to improve different aspects of your learning management system.

This time it’s the turn of our implementation consultant Lucy Chegwidden, who is offering her thoughts on how to streamline and automate administrative tasks on your LMS.

Here are Lucy’s recommended LMS admin improvements:

1. Stop manual enrolments

Manually enrolling users on your LMS is a huge drain on time and therefore a major inefficiency. If you put an end to manual enrolments, you’re immediately making a big saving in time, money and resources.

The easiest way to phase out manual enrolments is to group your learners by using audiences or cohorts. Create rules to bring relevant groups of users together based on their profile data. If a user fits the specific criteria you’ve defined, they will automatically have access to the training, reports or pages that you want them to see. That saves you from having to set all of these things on an individual basis and creates far more efficient LMS enrolment.

2. Schedule reports to provide information on demand

Plan ahead so you know which information you will need for your LMS and when. Set up reports and schedule these to arrive directly to you or your colleague when you need them. Consult with different departments to understand when they need data and specifically what they need.

This saves you from wasting time creating reports reactively. It also streamlines the delivery process.

3. Use notifications wisely

System notifications save time, increase engagement and help you to stay connected with your learners. Used correctly, many of these notifications make it quicker and easier to be an LMS administrator. 

Welcome messages and login details, new course enrolments, and notifications of overdue training are all examples of communications that can be sent via automated notifications to create a hands-off way of delivering information that improves the performance of your LMS.

Keep in mind that different platforms have different notifications functionality, so check what is available for your site.

4. Create course templates

Creating a series of course templates makes it quicker and easier to build courses for your LMS. Invest some time in designing courses that match the structure you need for a variety of different courses. Once your templates are built, you will be able to duplicate and edit them to meet the requirements of each new course instead of starting to build from scratch.

5. Have a regular clear-out

Keeping your LMS clear and organised will save you time and resources. It’s a worthwhile exercise to review what you have on your site regularly. Take the opportunity to archive or delete things that are no longer needed — there is no point in using up storage space to host them. You can also use purge types to manage user data and remove users who no longer need to be on the system.

Talk to us about your LMS admin

If you’d like to put plans in place to improve your LMS admin, fill out the form below and we’ll be in touch.



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Whether it’s about upgrading your current platform, starting from scratch with an LMS of your choice or you need guidance on where to begin, we’ll be happy to help!


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