24 August 2023

Using content to create a diverse, engaging and relevant learning experience

Jonny McAlister

Jonny McAlister

Head of Customer Experience

How a rich variety of content delivers rich learning experiences across your organisation.

Variety is the spice of life — and that’s as true in learning and development as anywhere else. The range of learning content you offer to your learners can have a significant impact on how enriching and engaging your learners find useful and even interesting.

Gone are the days of workplace learning as a bland box-ticking exercise. We’re seeing an increased demand for learning that covers a wide scope of personal and professional development needs and is freely available at the time learners need it.

By blending different types of content you can create a diverse, engaging and relevant learning experience for all learners. Here are some of the content ideas you can incorporate to create the perfect mix to meet each of your learners’ needs and interests.

Upskilling and reskilling

Upskilling, reskilling and right-skilling your learners gives them the opportunity to develop skills that help them to progress in a way that supports the career path they want to follow as well as supporting organisational needs.

A performance management system like Totara Perform will help you to set personalised objectives and goals for each team member within the context of the organisation’s main goals.


Learning and developing new skills can be daunting for some people. Overcome this by creating learning content that makes learning more accessible. One option is to deliver microlearning — shorter, bitesize chunks of content that can be completed quickly and easily.

Learning experience platform Totara Engage lets you drop these small snippets of learning content into each team member’s regular workflow. This helps to make learning an easily achievable part of their normal working day.

Repurposing content

Most learning and development teams have reams and reams of content. But this content often isn’t presented or used in a way that delivers the best results.

By reviewing your existing platform, offline materials and other systems, you might find you have lots of content that could be repurposed to much greater effect. You might be able to create microlearning content by pulling sections and snippets from existing resources.

In Totara Engage you can build content libraries of resources and playlists of content topics that will be useful to learners. You can also share content as informal learning within workspaces, which you can think of as digital water coolers where people gather to chat about work.

User-generated content

The aforementioned informal water cooler content doesn’t have to come from your resources alone. Encourage learners to share information and resources on relevant topics. This opens up knowledge-sharing throughout the organisation and helps you to capture valuable know-how that could otherwise be lost.


Using online learning content to onboard new employees is not new. But the increase in hybrid and remote workforces means it has become a higher priority for more organisations.

All of the content and processes new employees usually go through when they join your organisation can be converted into a smooth, online experience that can be completed at any time and on any device.

An LMS like Totara Learn is the perfect place to complete initial training and any mandatory courses, while Totara Engage gives the ideal setting to introduce new starters to the sort of knowledge-sharing and informal learning they’d previously have picked up while wandering around the office.

Supporting your employees

Put in place content that gives your employees the support they need whenever they need it. You could build content libraries around topics such as wellbeing, resilience and financial wellness.

Learning content that helps people in their personal lives is a responsible and very cost-effective way to support your team members while also delivering meaningful learning experiences.

Got questions about your learning content?

Talk to us about getting more value from your content and building diverse, engaging and relevant learning experiences for your learners.



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