17 May 2023

Moving from multiple manual tools to automation on a single LXP

Streamlining and automating your L&D processes into one comprehensive LMS and LXP platform.

Online learning has come a long way in a very short time. Any organisation that has been committed to giving their learners the best of emerging learning technologies over the past five, 10 or 15 years has typically had to work with multiple vendors.

The result has often been a corporate training shantytown of various platforms, plugins and manual processes to pull together some semblance of a cohesive learning experience.

Those days are gone. You no longer need to knit together multiple tools and manual processes to achieve the functionality you want. You don’t need a raft of additional processes and spreadsheets to deliver offline training. You don’t need different platforms to manage training content, events and learner engagement.

These things can all be done on a single learning experience platform (LXP). That means it’s the perfect time to overhaul the shantytown. Bring all of your L&D processes into one platform that does everything you need it to do.

Why move to a single LXP?

There are lots of benefits when you start shedding manual processes and consolidating all of your corporate training into one single:

Easier management

With an LXP that’s synced with your HR system, managing your users can be easily automated. This represents a huge saving on time and resources if you’re currently adding users manually. You can also automate how learning is assigned to your users for even more savings.

One point of contact

There’s no need to juggle multiple suppliers and no danger of something falling through the cracks between different suppliers. With an LXP, you’ll have one supplier and one point of contact for everything related to your learning platform. It also means that everything is already aligned when it comes to subscription renewals, upgrades and other changes. Simpler, smoother and more straightforward.

Blend offline and online more easily

A comprehensive LXP, like Totara TXP, gives you everything you need to benefit from the advantages of online learning even when the learning is taking place. With seminar management tools, you’ll have a booking, notification and reporting system that can streamline every aspect of classroom and blended learning. The learning can be delivered in person, but every aspect of organisation and admin can be done online. That means no more updating Excel spreadsheets of attendees.

Simpler recruitment and upskilling

If you’re currently scouring training records or emailing line managers for information on internal recruitment candidates or organisational skills gaps, that’s another area in which an LXP will make life much easier. Powerful analytics and reporting systems make it easy to find people with the right skills and to determine if key competencies are lacking.

Stay on top of compliance

Compliance can be hugely time-consuming — especially if you’re managing it manually. With automated reminder notifications and reports, you can encourage people to complete mandatory training and monitor who hasn’t done so with almost no investment of time on your part.

Ready to try an LXP?

If you’d like to take a closer look at Totara TXP, just fill out the form below and we’ll be in touch.



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Whether it’s about upgrading your current platform, starting from scratch with an LMS of your choice or you need guidance on where to begin, we’ll be happy to help!


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