27 April 2023

Why you need to stay on top of your LMS user management and offboarding

Jonny McAlister

Jonny McAlister

Head of Customer Service

Discover how good LMS user management and slick offboarding processes will benefit your organisation.

Good user management is key to the success of any LMS — and that means being able to quickly and efficiently get rid of users, not just being able to add them quickly.

We’ve written previously about the importance of a user provisioning strategy to create easy access to your LMS, but a deprovisioning strategy is just as important. There are all sorts of reasons why people no longer need access to your LMS. Depending on the nature of your organisation these might include:

  • Employees leaving the organisation
  • Agency, contractor and supplier relationships ending
  • Subscriptions expiring
  • Courses being completed

Why LMS user management matters

When the time comes to remove a user from your LMS, you need to do so quickly and efficiently. There are a few reasons for that:

GDPR and data protection

A user’s profile data on your LMS falls under GDPR laws. When you no longer need to store their data for the purpose it was collected, you need to delete it promptly. Learn more about GDPR compliance and your LMS.

Pricing tiers

Your LMS subscription and other related subscriptions are probably priced based on your user numbers. The last thing you want is for those numbers to be inflated by users who are no longer actively using your LMS.

LMS performance

The data stored on your learning platform can impact performance. If you’re not staying on top of user management, your LMS performance can be unnecessarily dragged down by a large amount of data you don’t need anymore.

Making mountains out of molehills

If you don’t quickly and efficiently offboard users it can soon start to feel like an insurmountable task, particularly if you’re trying to do it manually. Fortunately, you don’t need to do it manually.

How to easily offboard LMS users

Integrate your LMS with your HR system

By integrating your LMS with your HR system you can fully automate the offboarding process. When a user is deleted from your HR system, they will automatically be deleted from your LMS as well.

Integrate your LMS with your CRM

You could also integrate your LMS with a CRM like Salesforce or Hubspot. Similarly to the HR system, users deleted from your CRM will be automatically removed from your LMS.

Delete users in bulk

If you already have a large number of inactive users on your LMS, you can delete them in bulk. You can do this by filtering your users. A quick way would be to filter by last access or last login and remove users who have not used your LMS in a timeframe of your choosing. 

Talk to us about LMS user management

Have you got an LMS user management dilemma? If you’re looking for smart ways of streamlining your offboarding processes and staying in control of your user management, fill out the form below and we’ll be in touch.



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