4 October 2022

How the Totara Mobile app delivers learning on the go

Kenny McCormack

Kenny McCormack

Senior Solutions Architect

Boost engagement with your LMS using the Totara Mobile app

Sometimes the working day just isn’t long enough. In fact, that lack of time is often used as an excuse for learning and development tasks are allowed to slide.

But many organisations using Totara Learn for their L&D activities are missing out on a huge opportunity to address those problems, increase learner engagement and improve compliance rates. That’s because they’re not using the Totara Mobile app.

Totara Mobile is the native app that brings your LMS to any device. Let’s take a look at how it will benefit your organisation.

Any device, anywhere

Learning on the go means L&D activities no longer require a chunk of the working day to be devoted to them. Your learners always have access to your LMS via their phones. So instead of having to put that urgent report to one side to complete a learning task, they can learn at a time and place that works best for them. Travelling to a meeting, waiting for the kettle to boil or even when they get home — your learners get the freedom to make the most of their time.

Offline learning

Your learners can also use the Totara Mobile app to learn even when they don’t have access to an internet connection. With a custom-built player for offline SCORM activities, offline learning can continue even in places with unreliable connectivity. Responses and results can then be submitted and synced with the LMS when learners are back online.

Mobile notifications

As we’ve said, working days are sometimes too short. The last thing you need is to be hounding learners who are dragging down compliance rates. With the Totara Mobile app, you don’t need to. 

With mobile notifications, you can easily remind learners about learning they need to complete. This notification pops up in the place they’re most likely to see it, which also happens to be a device they can use to complete that learning straight away.

Tailored experiences

In the Totara Mobile app, Totara Learn’s navigation and layout is adapted into a dedicated mobile interface. The result is that the look and feel is instantly recognisable yet perfectly suited to learning on mobile. You can specifically mark your courses as mobile compatible to ensure your learners get the very best experience when using the app. The customised experience extends to branded app login screens that match your LMS.

Try Totara Mobile

If you’d like to see how the Totara Mobile app looks or have a chat about how it would work for your organisation, just fill out the short form below and we’ll be in touch.



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